TokyoMTG Japanese Artist signing event!

We know you've all been waiting, so TokyoMTG's Artist events are back! These events are a great way to interact directly with Magic artists, something we at TokyoMTG really value. Unlike our last artist signing event, the world is a little different, and we'll be taking every precaution against Covid-19 to keep our staff, customers, and the artists safe. Also unlike our last events, there are some additional steps everyone will need to cooperate with to maintain this safety. Please be sure to read everything below.

As we'd like to maintain limited access/people in a space at a time due to the pandemic, this will be a closed event to the public, and tickets will be required for entry. Along with wearing a mask, and disinfecting hands/surfaces with alcohol, the following procedures will be followed:
・ Purchase of event tickets (Name on the ticket cannot be changed, and must match the participant, rights cannot be transferred)
・ Identity verification documents (Documents must match information provided at the time of ticket purchase)
・ Vaccine passport (certificate of vaccination) for at least 2 doses or negative certificate of PCR test (within 3 days) is required for entry.

<Event details>

【Start Time】
12/19 (Sun) Shoji Building (same building as TokyoMTG) 5th Floor Meeting Room (2nd Meeting Room)

Participants are requested to check-in at the TokyoMTG shop (2F) at least 10 minutes before the start of each session. From 11:30 to 13:00 on the event day, the store will be open as a waiting room only for ticketed event participants. Normal opening hours will not be changing.

The order of signing (or purchase products from the artist) is not on a first-come-first-served basis, but will be decided randomly at reception on the day of the event.

Clover K
① 12:00 to 13:00 ➁ 13:00 to 14:00

Raita Kazama
① 14:00 to 15:00 ➁ 15:00 to 16:00

① 16:00 to 17:00 ➁ 17:00 to 18:00

Artist 2 parts each, 13 people each time
* Only one ticket can be purchased per person at a time. Therefore, the maximum number of signatures that can be obtained from each artist is eight.

Ticket sales are scheduled to start at 21:00 on Sunday, December 12th.

【Event Tickets】
¥ 2,000 (You can sign up to 4 cards with 1 ticket)
Payment is required in advance (payment deadline is the end of 12/15 (Wednesday))

In order to reduce the burden on each artist, the following acts are "prohibited".
If prohibited acts are discovered, the event may be cancelled and the event may not be held thereafter, so please comply and do not do the following:
・ Requests and negotiations other than signatures (extended art, artist proof purchases and sketch requests)
・ Any physical contact (handshake, high five, hugs, etc.)
・ On the day of the event, each artist will bring their own products for sale.
    Specific product details will not be disclosed at this time, but artist proofs are also planned to be sold.
・ Payments during the event will be cash-only, so please come prepared with funds if you would like to purchase things from the artists.
・ Participants are requested to prepare their own cards to be signed.
    The artists will only sign genuine/real MTG cards. No proxies, fake cards, or cards from other products that aren't MTG.
・ There are no same-day slots available. Please purchase the participation ticket in advance.
・ Cancellation is not possible after purchasing the ticket.
・ Tickets will not be issued physically for this event. Please be sure to keep a copy of the automatic reply email after purchase.
・ If you have any questions, please contact us on Twitter DM or the TokyoMTG website.